Welcome to Sumerian Optics. A company from the Netherlands that offers hand-made Dobsonian telescopes in three different sizes with high quality care. Each telescope will receive full attention. Sumerian Optics offers two Dobsonian models, which are available in different sizes and are fully assembled and delivered in two colors; wood finish or black.




After more then 2 years of struggling I made the choice to stop my business for a unknown period. Difficult and hard decision but it is what it is. Well, call it a sabbatical


The last jobs I have to do will be finished. All the last customers will be helped in a good way. Even the persons who are waiting for a very (too) long time. I will contact you!!!


After finishing everything I take a serious break and will NOT take new order. I need time to make up my mind and see what the future brings to make a restart (or not).  






The Dobsonian telescope is a type of telescope that is designed in such a way that it is suitable for a relatively large mirror in a cheaper, lighter and stable setup.

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Long ago, when I was a 6 year old boy, I looked up at the sky while stepping out of my parent's car, wondering what the twinkling lights were in the sky. Yes, they were stars. But what is a star?

Read more about my story



Compact Travel Dobsonian Telescopes. We have a lot to choose from. Brands that we sell are: Canoplus, Alkaid an an EQ - Platform.

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You'll find our stock and prices here
